Monday, May 2, 2011


This is the title to most newspapers today. The U.S. Navy Seals shot him in the head and America is bathing in their success. For so many he had become an unobtainable figure. Now that the United States has completed its ten year long dream of assassinating Osama there is a huge sigh of relief. 9/11 survivors feel a sense of vindication today because the man behind the largest attack on America is finally dead. The celebration is on every news channel and that same feeling of unity that we felt as a nation ten years ago is radiating through our county again. This man made it his sole purpose to drive the free world apart and yet he has only succeeded again in bringing us closer together. Chants of "USA" can be heard in every corner of our nation. While the U.S. is cautious because of the terror alert level this now takes us to, we are strong and feel a renewed faith in our government. The patriotic pride is contagious and really just beautiful. This is a day that we will remember forever. The wait is over.